Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Pea is here!!!! Welcome to the world my Prince Charming (jr)

Princess of Quite-A-Lot was joined by her newly coronated Prince of a brother aptly named Prince Charming. PC (we shall call him) came into this world 02-18-10 at 8:33 pm. I went to the doctor early that morning, found out I was dialated to 3cm. I then went on about my day getting frozen foods for Mr Pod to eat while I was in the hospital (I had been told it could happen ANY TIME...but probably over the weekend). While at the store my contractions started. I went home, and had contractions all day, 20 minutes apart. Mr Pod came home at 3pm from work, and we started timing the contractions at 10 minutes apart. At this point, we decided it would be best if The Queen Mum (Mr. Pods mother) come spend the night. Once QM got to our house, not 45 minutes had passed and my water broke. By 6:30 we were on our way to the hospital. At 7 pm, the hospital staff decided they couldnt triage me in (I guess it was the fact that my water was leaking ALL OVER THEIR UNIT) so they put me in a L&D room. At this point, I was having very strong contractions and was checked. "Mrs Pod- you are fully dialated...its too late for an epidural". WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?


After I regain conciousness from my apparenent black out, I black out again(not really-added for comedic value only) and have a panic attack (partially true) I realize I just have to do this....the staff gave me some pain med, that only made me dizzy and then told me to start pushing. I probably pushed 8-10 times, and then VOILA- at 8:33 little Prince Charming came into the world!

So with out further is the newest memeber of the House of Pod:


Cody Sharene said...

Such a sweet baby. Eek, I could just squeeze him (but as I always say to H.-if I squeezed him he could break so I shouldn't---but I sure want to!)

SarahDB said...

Wow! You are a hero. Congratulations on your Prince Charming.