Sunday, February 7, 2010

The closer we get.....38 weeks and the work shower

My gosh- really 38 weeks? The doctor says "Any day now" I am still rooting for say um...JULY?? I am apprehensive and scared but SO ready to meet this little person! I can and I can't wait. I have been feeling BH contractions like crazy, and wonder if I am missing something, but apparently everything seems to be okay by my doctors standings.

My friends at work threw me a baby shower last week. Here are some of the highlights

1. received a TON more diapers

2. received a super duper cute Sock Monkey blanket, Sock Monkey doll and monkey book

3. received a ton of cute little onsies, a bath robe for the baby and lots of cute little things

4. did I mention I received a ton more of diapers??? SOOO thankful for that!

5. We played a game "guess the chocolate" had a HUGE peanut in was gross and so funny! Naturally I could guess ALL of the chocolate....

Its nice to feel loved for sure.

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