Monday, August 24, 2009

***Week 14 Check in***

OK so I missed a week! SIGH...its been a REALLY HECTIC TIME, so sue me!

Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.

Hooray for SECOND TRIMESTERS!!!!!!
I feel like this baby is literally stretching from one side of my abdomen to the other, right to left. I started feeling crampy again this weekend, and started to worry. But, then it moved from left side to right, so I KNOW that its just doing the play-do lets see how far this uterus can stretch thing and just well, growing! I am so excited that all of this is going on inside. I can honestly say that I no longer say "Yes I am pregnant, but freaking out". YAY for me! I have been so tired in the evenings its all I can do to check my email from my cell phone, needless to say I haven't been a very avid blogger. I certainly don't feel witty! So you get what you get this week!
The Princess is back in school mode, she is convinced that if I don't take her to Pre-K in the mornings a bus would surely come by and get her. I explain to her that the bus is NEXT year...little does she know I will NOT let her ride said bus next year, her school is right down the street and I will be taking her. What is it with kids and school buses? Seems like, when you DON'T have to ride one you want to...when you DO you beg to NOT ride one. Oh the old adage...the bus is always yellower on the other side!

1 comment:

Myrannda said...

Cadence is the same way. She gets sad every time she sees the bus picking up the kids in the neighborhood. Same here - I'm taking her in the mornings next year, but she will have to ride it in the afternoons. She can't wait, and I'm terrified!