Monday, November 2, 2009

24 weeks and picking up steam....

Here's to everyone having a wonderful Halloween. I hope you all did! We donned our superhero gear and took the the Princess out on the town (ok well just the neighborhood) for a night of trick or treating. I have to say for almost six months pregnant, I don't think I looked too bad in my pleather Batgirl costume! Although, I am thankful for a cape and a mask. I don't have to suffer the shame if any one of my neighbors caught a glimpse of my behind as my too short uni-skirt rode up. As I said...thank goodness for capes! The Princess got a ton of candy, and was promptly worn out after making it around our large block. She then wanted to go home and pass out candy. We had hot cocoa and weeded through her bucket of candy "ickys" went to the pile for the adults and "This is YUM" went back in the bucket. After the rations were done, we then fell fast asleep. It was a really fun night. Now if only I could get rid of this candy-with out actually eating it.

I think I have taken a second cold. I am a firm believer in hydration and rest and at this point, I am doing neither of those things. I am not really too sure what is wrong with me but it just seems like my back side cant get caught up with my front side, I am a dog chasing her tail most days! I just need to sit and rest. *sigh*...I can't do it!

The painting in the room is done, now just to put up the wallpaper border. Pictures to come. Like a fast moving train this little engine is picking up steam and 30 weeks is seen in the distance. I can't believe it~!


Cody Sharene said...

Glad you're at 6 months, yay!! Also glad you had a happy Halloween. Be careful with sickness, I just had my 2nd visit to the ER this week (kidney infection), germs develop fast.

Kahla said...

Woohooo for 24 weeks!!!! You are almost 2/3rds of the way there!!!!!!