Sunday, July 26, 2009

**TEN WEEKS** The Pea is a Prune!

Baby's now the size of a prune! With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will start working too.)

I am feeling pretty good today, this was a good weekend. We went to visit my parents and spent the night with them. This morning we went to church and I got to stand there while my mom proudly told all of her friends "we are expecting a new grand baby next year!" it was pretty neat. Of course no one could remember who I was, I havent been home in TWO YEARS! This was also the first day any of my parents friends from church had met Mr. Pod-it was a day of showing off new things in deed. :) I HATE the drive to my parents house, its long I guess thats the anticipation of getting there. It was a short visit but we had a good time. Nothing much to report on me-feeling good every now and then I remember how bad my BBs hurt then I think...well it COULD be much worse! I still havent had any real morning sickness, a little here and there just the waves but no visible proof of morning sickness. Maybe I am in that 25% who doesnt get it? I guess we shall see moving forward. My next appointment is two days after my 12th week-and it will be my first tummy ultra sound. I can't wait to get to that point.

We have a new family member, the Princess got her first turtle this weekend-so far its been fun to watch. I have to wonder though I think with the brain capacity of oh I dont know a kernel of corn how much fun can this thing be? It stares at us, staring at him. WOO. Anyway he makes Mr Pod and Princess I guess thats what matters! We have now a bulk of antibacterial hand sanitizer though, we sure dont want our new friend to get us sick or vice versa!


SarahDB said...

Sound like things are going great! And I would just like to say, from the other 75% of us...we don't like you very much right now. :)

Kahla said...

Just makes me say boy again w/my vote, I had way less morning sickness w/Chase than I have with Emery. Yeah for 10 weeks!